Sunday, May 5, 2013

How Big are Your Dreams?

I got this book a week ago or so that is all about having God-sized dreams. It was very intriguing to me since I have felt like God has been pressing his 'God-sized' dream on my heart recently. I read the first couple of pages and the author kept on saying how we were made for God-sized dreams, and that we were worth pursuing them.
Now as I grew up I never felt like there was anything that I was exceptionally good at. I mean I got good grades, was musical, fairly athletic, but nothing that was-stop in your tracks, 'wow' type of good. Therefore when I saw my future I didn't ever dream big dreams-or think I was worth dreaming big dreams. Well the past month or so I think God has been trying to break that lie within me, because that is what it is- A LIE!!
So many times God presses dreams onto our hearts and we look at them as impossible and unreachable, but doesn't the Bible tell as that nothing is impossible with God and we are able to immeasurable great things in his name?! Then why do we think that when God shows us a glimpse of his plan for us that we so quickly doubt it will ever happen?
Well even though pursing my great God-sized dream still scares me and I still feel my insecurities creep up, I know that when God has his hand in what is going on in our lives-things tend to go his way. Therefore I have decided to jump in-ALL in and run the race that God has placed before me. I approach this great dream as a mere sinful human that, on my own-I am unable to accomplish anything, but with the big man upstairs guiding me-showing me where to go- I CAN ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING!
So I ask you, How big are your dreams? Do you believe that you are worth accomplishing them? Has God pressed something so great on your heart that everyday you wake up thinking about it?
I then challenge you to chase those dreams. Know that God is every so present on the path that he has sent up for you. Let us believe that God is capable of all things and that he has chosen us-his grateful children-to use to accomplish his God-sized dreams!
Happy Dreaming!

Phil. 4:13; Eph 3:20; Matt 19:26

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